Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India

Small Business SEO Pack

An SEO Plan Crafted By BigTecha SEO Experts To Surely Boost Small Business SEO.

Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India
Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India

Other Popular BigTecha SEO Plans Based on your Business Needs

Quick SEO plans to get you started. If you feel you have a special custom requirement then please email / whatsapp / zoom us to discuss further.

Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India
Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India

Common Features of Our Small Business SEO Pack

  • Site architecture analysis and recommendations
  • Geo-targeting
  • Google place listing
  • Sub-domain and sub-folder optimization
  • Location specific global link strategy
Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India

All Features & Pricing of Our Small Business SEO Plans

Unlock Small Business SEO magic and generate massive amounts of traffic and leads along with epic content marketing & much more

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Starts ₹ 22,500/month
4 Monthly Discount(%)
icon_searchInitial Review & Analysis
In-depth Site Analysis
Content Duplicacy Check
Initial Backlinks Analysis
Google Penalty Check
Competition Analysis
Initial Rank Report
Keyword Research
icon_cogsOn Page Optimization
Website Page Load Optimization
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22includes titles, meta descriptions & keywords optimization %22%93Header Tags Optimization (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
HTML Code Cleanup & Optimization
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22includes In Context links, footer links%22%93Internal link structuring & optimization (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22Alt tags, Anchor text & Titles%22%93Image & Hyperlink Optimization (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22To aid search engine crawler & reduce 404 errors%22%93Robots.txt Creation/Analysis (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22Creation, Optimization & Submission in Google, Yahoo & Bing%22%93HTML & XML Sitemap (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22Account Setup & Monitoring%22%93Google & Bing Webmaster Tools (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22Account Setup & Integration%22%93Google Analytics (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22Includes titles, meta descriptions & keyword optimizations%22%93Title & Meta Tags Optimization (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
Page Speed Optimization Analysis
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22HTML, XML, ROR, Urllist.text%22%93Sitemap Creation (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
icon_pencil-editContent Marketing (per month)
Blog Writing
Informational Article Writing & Submission
Press Release Writing & Submission
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22Writing & Posting to relevant Guest Blogs%22%93Guest Blog Posting (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22Writing & submission worth Rs. 10,000 each (ℹ️)%93Premium PR Distribution%91/su_tooltip%93
Infographic Creation & Distribution
Press Release Social Bookmarking
social_facebookSocial Media Optimization (per month)
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22Site submitted to top social bookmarking websites%22%93Social Bookmarking (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22One time activity%22%93Facebook & Twitter Account Setup (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
Profile Content Writing
Facebook Wall Updates
Twitter Updates
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22One time activity%22%93Custom Twitter Background (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
%91su_tooltip style=%22dark%22 content=%22One time activity%22%93Facebook Timeline Design (ℹ️)%91/su_tooltip%93
icon_easel_altMonthly Reporting
Search Engine Rank Report
SEO Reports
Google Analytics Report
Activitiy Report
Monthly Action Plan
icon_like_altCustomer Support
24/7 Live Project Tracking
” col_column_max_width=”1.8fr” col_column_max_width_tablet=”” col_column_max_width_phone=”” col_column_max_width_last_edited=”on|phone” col_column_min_width_tablet=”” col_column_min_width_phone=”126px” col_column_min_width_last_edited=”on|phone” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dvmd_table_maker_item][dvmd_table_maker_item col_content=”BRONZE
₹ 22,500
22500 ₹19,125 p.m
For upto 20 Keywords


1 every 3rd month


” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dvmd_table_maker_item][dvmd_table_maker_item col_content=”SILVER
₹ 32,500
32500 ₹27,625 p.m
For upto 30 Keywords


1 every 3rd month


” _builder_version=”4.19.1″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dvmd_table_maker_item][dvmd_table_maker_item col_content=”GOLD
₹ 42,500
42500 ₹36,125 p.m
For upto 40 Keywords


1 every 3rd month


” _builder_version=”4.19.1″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dvmd_table_maker_item][dvmd_table_maker_item col_content=”PLATINUM
₹ 52,500
52500 ₹44,625 p.m
For upto 50 Keywords


1 every 2rd month


” _builder_version=”4.19.1″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dvmd_table_maker_item][/dvmd_table_maker]
Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India

We’re Ready Sprinkle some SEO MAGIC! You’ve worked so hard to build your Brand. Now it’s time to leverage the Power of SEO and Unlock your Business’ full potential. You totally Deserve it.

Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India

Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India SEO FAQ’s Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch through Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, Voice call or FB messenger for a detailed presentation & explanation.

How long does it take to achieve results?

Within the first week, our CTO provides you with a technical site review and keyword phrase strategy. Within the first thirty (30) days, we begin optimizing and submitting to all engines and directories. Within the first sixty (60) days, the search engine and directories begin to show results of our preliminary efforts.

What is your Holistic SEO Approach?

We optimize existing site pages as opposed to creating doorway pages (unless site pages are in Flash, .ASP etc). This means that there is extensive coding work involved – accordingly a date-wise activity plan is communicated to you/client. As with any project, deviations from the comeback dates (client approvals) will introduce delays into project task completion dates.

What differentiates your service from other service providers?

We have successfully positioned ourselves as the ‘what SEO services really ought to cost’ company. We promote our SEO services on the ‘knowledge at a low price’ platform – in other words, we offer value. We are a true blue, knowledge-centric and process-focused SEO Company, albeit able to offer world-class SEO services at offshore rates.

Do you follow SEO practices/do you have a code of ethics in place?

Yes. We are a member to major SEO related directories/chapters and subscribe to the industry SEO code of ethics. We also are member to W3C.

Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India

Get Your Free Small Business SEO Estimate

We highly recommend you start by fillig out the form below and we’ll get back to you with an action plan and price quote. Otherwise, you can always simply whatsapp, email, phone, zoom, FB messenger, etc. Remember the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first few steps laughing.

Best web design and digital marketing agency In Delhi, India

Lets Get Started

Increase Your Google SERP Rankings Today

Contact us today to request a free quote.